Monday, May 31, 2010


Aeiou and sometimes draggonflies. Y and w two. TODAY. The person is the window of the mirror of the activity we do is all they can see of us. A Central theme looking for bread was intent on scoring while some was in my hand eye was carefully placeing the bread away into one of my three homeless bags when. The Policeman tried not to laugh at me too much. He was smiling big and hiding his grin from me was tough for him because his voice had the edge of cold steel in it from barking at drunks. He tried to approach me but was already wanting to leave. He said it clearly. GO ahead and gather up your bread, BUT THEN I (the policeman said this part) I want you to leave this area. I do not want you here. Mabe the parade comes this way later on this afternoon. But that does not explain the look he gave me was venom as he drove away for eye had said THANK YOU to him and he asked me to repeat it like he had never heard it from someone on his street eye said THANK YOU again. He looked like he had seen the end of the street fold up into a draggonflies.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Can you understand amoebae when they tear each one into to be two new amoebae does it hurt them or fulfill them to divide and conquer life? When eye have her love. When she is missing me or eye am missing love. Time stretches and becomes painful in its lack of hold upon reality. It does not near my sex but thumps the bottom of mye heart. Eye would be with her face to face and take quite some time to ever mention more then love. A little boy she has found a heart so full of want. All the things eye missed in my young life she holds. She has them all. She has mye love inside her heart. The wonderful she am. It would be easier to climb a needle up into the farthest reaches of the sky. Then to explain my lack of feeling badly when mye love tells me she loves me is the only time eye cry.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


"Bring me a soda honey." This is what a man says after work is over and he is at home with wifey. When he is at work he is a boss but he is nice. He shows the woman person come to buy the sample case and says. "Please take your time. HURRY UPP honey he is yelling at his wifey. Eye really need that soda SOME TIME TODAY." When he was back at work he had it back to back to say. "Tell me what you eye has caught. Tell me what you may have come to want." And he is gently pulling at her hand. The wifey walks into the room and gingerly holds out the soda cause he grabs. The wifey redials the phone redials the channel selector then sits down. He guzzles the soda and nuzzles the edge of the can. "Do you want another one" she says. He frowns and bellows "NO not now. Cant you see they are on our 50 yard line? " When the woman lifts her hand at work and points out her new purchase he is quick to underscore the new purchase agreement and make her sign on the dotted and this is what he says " I have come to reverantly worship all women." When the game is over halfway over and the third quarter starts to move the ball he smiles over at the wifey and he BURPS real loud. "GO GET ME ANOTHER SODA" and she bows.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


The beginning of the end of April
there is now NO COMDEMNATION to those who say Christ Jesus somewhere it is written in the Bible subject matter natter that the tongue can not be tamed by eye no matter for we look to Jesus to deliver not the works of so dead a fleshly life. In answer to another we can justify. Iff he uses murder as his premises iff he says bad things to me am eye too justify myself in using bad words back to him of course eye can. Eye scream eye curse eye fall all apart on the sidewalk. Then eye stop and think but way too late. Did eye just become the antichrist again. WHY did eye let that devil of man get under mye skin is there some retaliation eye can offer him but mye own foul words again? WHAT HAPPENED to eye become a devil just like the man that cannot justify the monkey eye become was him, He started it. Why does not everybody understand. ? Try barking this. Iff eye could remove the Devil from me by pulling the line out of the soul of man and finding the little sign post at the end and then removing the plate that says the Devil from man from me from eye would not hesitate to do this for myself.