Wednesday, October 26, 2011


San Antonio

The Apostle Paul carried a pistol. Doubting Thomas was the electrician of the group. James and James and John and Peter were the stoned. Ones. Bartholomew knew. James the greater and James the lessor. There were many other religious members of the gang the JESUS gang. They carried the first laptop the power chords were hidden in the Roman Aqueducts they used the one prong plug like all the shops did in Rome and they had a converter chord to make the laptop work back then there was only Google. This was before there was Yahoo. They met at the door with the sign of the fish and they ran the power chord outside the window and soon the Doubting Thomas was pluging the one prong plug in and hoping it would work but when Jesus started to turn on his Dell laptop to get his Gmail and google pages HE looked so wise in his long hair and beard down at Thomas and HE asked him “Will it work this time ?” and Thomas always answered the Lord the same way “Well eye DOUBT it.” But the Apostle Paul would grin and say Lord GO ahead and Google now. And Jesus brought forth the poetry pages of the poetrypoem places that makes CharlaX the poet so well knowne on the intergnet. And James And James and John oooed and awed. HE was a wonderful poet Lord. And everyone said Amen. And Peter laughed and said look at the Lord he is the GOD in the Dell. And everyone ate there snickers and drank the cokes they had putt there for the refreshments must have come from a Methodist Church. The fish was from the Catholics and it must have been a FrYdaY night. They were that JESUSGang