Saturday, October 30, 2010


Regard the day if you regard it regard it to the LORD.
Regard it not if not regard it then do not regard it to the LORD
A bit of wisdom found from the ancient preachment of the old scriptures people preached and lived with stones tossed at them killing them they rose and walked and preached among the stone throwers bold. The day is only one. The time will pass away somehow no matter what it may seem like the devil won but the life is in the GOD not the worthless one. They missed me with the attitude the weight is not enough the bump has never come near me that can rally shake me up they grab at straws and miss them and then drown. They try to eat me up but eye am round.
They fill the cup with excessiveness and cannot make a fist.
They howl at darkened moons on ice planets they miss me with the weapons they have formed they falter and they throb in lust with one another the women with the women the men with all the rest.