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Sandy Paper Dots
Sandy Paper Dots
ONe package of Sandy Paper Dots is only one dollar there is five round dots of sandy paper there
we made these items in our underwear
our meaty cousin grabbed the rolls of sand paper from his constructing site
we cut them into circles in the middle of the night
we sold the company to whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater in England they buy lots of unusual ideas
they turn them back to profit in more then one small area
each package comes with fine to coarse five rounds of paper for the little wooden horse
these items are for the people who do small wooden chores
we forgot to cut past the logo on the back
so we might can get arressted iff someone calls them back
medium fine had the company on the back
we sold all the rounds we made all those rounds we had
now they make them out of paper clips
We hear at the Offices of President Whirly decided to make our paper clips work better we had them chopped into fine and coarse sandy paper rounds
but they do not work as well as the original
the stock is almost gone
but you can still order one
buy paying twice the price so nice
burry hurry step write upp
Sandy Paper Dots