Monday, December 1, 2008

Podunk, Ill.

Podunk, Ill.Podunk, Ill.Podunk, Ill. In the City Square there is an American Flag and a Spire on the Dome and a map to the Visitors Center of Forking Dam. There is an office on the very next Block of a Charity Place called Podunk for Santa. They have almost the entire shopping mall included as there domain they have fifteen employees all of them mental cases but not registered with the Hamilton County Offices. They decided to get a Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater from the Website of Zappersunlimited.COM@Inc They tried three times to type in the operational code and failed each time to understand the security repaster box to make the code different. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 they had given up when the Phone rang in the office. It was the Treasurer of WhirlyfritzerEnterprizes.ORG@Inc Romand Plence. He had traced the botched website attempt and having nothing better to do decided to go out on this limb for ewe. "WHO typed in the operational code and why can’t you peruse the instructions why can’t you find the security box and retyped the code." "This is Mortimar Snard the President of Podunk for Santa. We just can not handle it we are all mental idiots but we have lots of p credits." Plences eyes lit up into dollar signs. The CobaltBlueT.M.@Inc WhirlyfritzerBOX the new age sumper was now on the way to Podunk, Ill. They sent him a map and seeing all the blue water he thought it was the nearest Sea Floor or Ocean Bedded. Instead they had sent him a map to the Central Lava Beds they were marked in Blue as if they were color of water but GUESS WHAT of course they are not. Near New Aiyansh, Ill. There is a place called Lava Lake. It was here they intended to put the end of the PIPET.M.@INC Even though they were nearer to Alice Arm they bought a lot of PIPET.M. and started the airdropps of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M.@ ZappersInc. The Pipe Line was going along fast. There was nothing there but side of the road. Not desert exactly but close enough. The Lava ground made it appear as iff it was the end of the world. All black and burnt is some places and red like the Devil in others. That is just Illinois. They passed a road sign it said Thisaway to Forking River Dam. They just ignored it and kept on laying and glueing the pipe they were not even setting it into the ground just placing it there in plain site. When they were finished Mr. M. Snard was standing at the end of the pipe to watch the silver bar come out. It was his idea to let them pile up in the Lava Lake Bed. He was not too smart. For at that moment all 14 of his people were standing around the blue and cobalt purple box of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater on the other end in the office parking lot. They had layed the pipe all the way from Podunk on the top of the tarmac to the roadside then out to the DRY lava beds. Mortimar bent down and peered suddenly into the pipe not understanding the FORCE of the CobaltBlueBlast that was sending the first silver bar hurrying along in the Centrifugal Force. One of the CoWorkers poured in the Brown Substances into the one sided mechanism and then they paused. Then SHE smiled and turned the GREENLIGHTT.M.@Inc on. Mortimar Snard quickly picked himself back up off the lava and smiled his head felt like an eggshell broken and cracked for someone’s breakfast but at least he is alive. So is all 14 of the CoWorkers but the Tarmac on the parking lot of the Podunk for Santa Store peeled off revealing nothing but Lava underneath. Hot and running like a river. They had to Close the City offices temporarily until they could divert the lava flow you guessed it they used the PIPELINET.M.@Inc and got most of it to go into the Lava Lake bed at the other end a happy ending. Ed. Note. Visitors to Lava Lake, Ill. can still see the one silver plater bar that beaned Snard on the Noggin and taught them all a lesson in Podunk, Ill. The lava came out of the PipeT.M. and filled up Lava Lake with Hot Lava it cooled over years of time and now except for that one silver bar is a circle of red and darkstone about 143 miles south of Podunk. Just follow the Pipeline.

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