Friday, April 24, 2009

Fractions of ONE

Fractions of ONE
Fractions and Participles of leftovers in sacks even trash sacks are all fractions of one some men have some training to be poor and so horrible it seems to some and so it is just as bad as it looks. When someone goes beyond the norm to gain survival of inebriated level of intolerance to moral ethics common sense has flown away; the Bible or any other educated book a guess to them or hated by the animal become the normal living gone they become less then one or just a fraction. Eye have a deep seated desire to function and so mye own grazing is just limited to fresh wholesome things found off the top the entire contents of the can becoming older the further that yew dig old man in can. Ask me what a difference does it really make and eye will tell you it is the Quantity versus the Quality. More is not always better in this Survival game of life. Lessor is bettor the Quality is King the large amounts of slop needed to feed a pig can be almost anything but survival only a perfectionist can eat a donut with found coffee. Almost every fraction found unless previously scrounged out has its half life the aging process faster in this wood to stone making desert clime. But men are found now in every city scape scrounging for found in City trash cans. When the owl hoot was finished grazing like the crazy man he is, he rode the bus with eye yes eye did eye waited till his back was to me as he stepped off headed to the corner store to get more beer this sage was heard to say unkindly that old man is nasty to no one in particular though no one understood eye had been speaking of seeing him eating all the green fractions at the bus stop trash cans perhaps the Quantity has given him satisfactions as he floods his lower levels with things eaten that would kill the eye so now he goes off this bus to wash them down with money bought beer from the store. Perhaps the eye is jealous for he did not even offer me a bite; his conversation was all one sided mono syllable disgust in flight. Even thought eye still do the same things that he does in scrounge eye have mye limits eye am smarter quicker cleaner only gleaming off the top of fractions cost placed there by mye adoring public people in their haste to get a bus; do eye feel sorry for a man with spending money buying beers yes and bus tickets instead of food no way. He seems NASTY and worse to me than eye will ever be mye stuff just will not ever stink ewe knoe now what eye meant to say in fractions. Aside note to the women reading this eye was not speaking of ewe nasal hair spray bottle cans or lipstick mirrors tossed away. Just Fractions.

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